Our payroll team
Our payroll team manage all aspects of your pay – whether that’s helping you with travel and payment of study expenses to making sure you get paid on time. If your circumstances change, you must update your details on your ESR or contact a member of the team.
The day we all look forward to - pay day! - is the 28th of every month (but this can change over Christmas/New Year period).
All expenses must be submitted and authorised by the 5th of each month to guarantee payment that month. Please note that all expenses must be claimed within three months of the date the expense was incurred.
Travel expenses are completed online - you will receive information on how to access this system from the payroll team.
If you have any query regarding your expenses please contact

Payroll useful guides

Access your personal tax account
Your personal tax account allows you to manage your tax affairs with HMRC online, quickly and simply – bringing together all your tax information in one place.
It’s secure, personalised and available 24/7 and can be accessed from your computer, mobile phone or tablet.
The Guide has been produced based on customer feedback and will help and support you use the many services in your PTA to tell us about your life events.For instance you can:
Check your tax code or renew your tax credits and check payments
Review your National Insurance record or expected State Pension
Claim a refund if you’ve paid too much tax
Want to know more including how to set up your personal account?
Take a look at this useful, interactive online guide – it’s flexible and easy to use and has all the information you need in one place.

NHS pension information
To opt out of the NHS Pension Scheme you will need to complete Part 1 of the Application to leave the NHS Pension Scheme (SD502) form, which is available to download from NHS Pensions website here. You can download the RF12 form from the NHS Pensions website here.
When will my application to leave the NHS Pension Scheme take effect?
If your application to leave the NHS Pension Scheme is signed and received by the Lead Employer Trust before the end of the first pay period.If you provide a later date to opt out on your application to leave the NHS Pension Scheme, the decision to opt out will be effective from the first day of the next pay period following the date given.
Salary sacrifice schemes